OTA Eligibility Requirements

1. Eligibility requirements for all applicants

  • Eligibility for ENG 1510
  • Eligibility for placement in MAT 1500
  • At least 15 college credits completed: grade point average of at least 2.25
  • Less than 15 college credits completed: high school average of at least 80% or combined GPA/HS average of 2.25

Students in the top 20% of their high school graduating class within the last two years and who meet the minimum requirements will receive automatic acceptance into the program, if application is received by the deadline (February 15).

A student seeking readmission may enter the OTA program according to the following criteria:

  • A student seeking readmission into the OTA program must reapply and meet the eligibility requirements.
  • Any readmitted student who has withdrawn from the program for a period greater than three years will be given credit for OTA 1510 only, providing a grade of "C" or higher was obtained. The student will be required to complete all other OTA courses in sequence.
  • A student will be permitted to repeat each OTA course one time. If the student is unsuccessful in repeating any OTA course, they are ineligible to continue in the OTA program.

2. OTA point system

Once the minimum requirements are met, a point system will be used with your application to determine your acceptance into the program.

Points for education, GPA, and essay
Criteria Description Points
Previous education Bachelor's degree or higher 3
Associate degree 2
Technical degree or certificate 1
GPA (15 credits or more) GPA of 3.45-4.0 3
GPA of 2.95-3.44 2
GPA of 2.45-2.94 1
GPA of 2.25-2.44 0
HS or HS/GPA (less than 15 credits) 91.5-100% 3
87.5-91.4% 2
82.5-87.4% 1
79.5-82.4% 0
Essay Completed during application Up to 10

3. Additional requirements upon acceptance

With JCC's OTA degree, you’ll have completed two years toward an advanced degree at significant cost savings.

In addition to JCC's tuition and fees, the OTA student will have additional expenses. Except for the annual AOTA student membership, expenses are the total costs for the duration of the OTA program. These costs are approximate and subject to change.

Additional expenses:

  • Annual AOTA student membership: $78/year approximate cost
  • Books and subscriptions: $840 approximate cost
  • Course fees: $395 approximate cost
  • CPR training: $75 approximate cost
  • Criminal background check and clearance: $125 approximate cost
  • Exam prep materials: $100 approximate cost
  • Health physical and tuberculosis test: $74 approximate cost
  • OTA-specific supplies (such as polo shirt, goniometer, and gait belt): $60 approximate cost

Requests by health care agencies for criminal background checks, drug testing, fingerprinting, and/or health clearances for OTA students are becoming more common. OTA students may be required, at their own expense, to complete these requirements before beginning a field placement. Inability to obtain satisfactory clearance(s) can jeopardize a student’s ability to attend their fieldwork at specific agencies and meet program outcomes.

All states require licensure to practice. State licenses are usually based on the results of the NBCOT certification examination. A felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to sit for the NBCOT certification examination or attain state licensure.

Students in the OTA program may have some ZOOM and online coursework. In order to be prepared for those learning experiences, students will need access to the internet, a camera, and a computer. If a student requires assistance accessing this technology or understanding how to use it, they should speak with their advisor.

More information on preparing for an online course »

You will be expected to perform skill sets (cognitive, physical/motor, sensory, behavioral, technological) as an OTA student. You may contact Accessibility Services to discuss accommodations for a disability-related barrier. JCC will provide reasonable accommodations but is not required to substantially alter the requirements or nature of the program.